Allied Academies

Dr. Octavian, Bucur

Dr. Octavian, Bucur, masters
Instructor, Gynaecology
Harvard Medical School, USA, Harvard Medical School , USA, USA

Octavian Bucur is working as an Instructor in the Departments of Pathology and Medicine at the Harvard Medical School, BIDMC, in Boston, MA, focusing on the development and application of new experimental and computational technologies with significant impact in molecular, diagnostic pathology and personalized medicine. He is also a member of the Ludwig Cancer Center at Harvard and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. In collaboration with Dr. Edward Boyden’s laboratory at MIT, he has developed a pathology-optimized physical tissue expansion method called Expansion Pathology that enables ~100 times expansion in the volume of any type of clinical specimen and visualization of 70-80 nm structures with conventional optical microscopes (currently limited to ~250 nm resolution). Expansion Pathology has the potential of replacing electron microscopy in the diagnosis and investigation of certain pathologies and nanometer structures  

Research Interest

Urogynecology, Laparoscopy, Clinical Research, Medical Education, Epidemiology, Medicine, and Patient Safety

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